Monday, January 26, 2009

The drive back home

Before I took my wonderful vehicle that I have greatly missed back home I was able to enjoy a lot of time with everyone.  I even spent some time with mother nature.  

When I went sledding with Jen, Jer, and fam I decided we needed a proper snowman to watch us sled.  This is Fredrico jr.  Long story.  I haven't made a snowman in a long time and I really liked this guy.  What a great day!  Great trip really, and it wasn't over yet.

For my drive look at what it cost me to get started.  Amazing right?!?  Not bad I must admit.  Mike and David called me often (usually when I needed it the most)  and we only spoke for a few minutes at a time but it was very nice to have.  I always had some radio which was also nice.  There were a lot of miles that needed to be melted away.  speaking of melting. . . 

I did hit some snow up in the mountains and some rain in the valleys.  I stayed the night in Reno, NV.  I turned on the TV when I got to my room as some background noise but ended up falling right to sleep.  Woke up well rested and continued on my way.  This snow was what hit me after I left Reno.  

Here I am back in sunny CA.  Back to work as normal.  Going to formation through our wooded hills.  Have I ever mentioned how pretty I think it is here?  This is my friend Garret.  His ride ditched him in San Francisco so I went there to pick him up.  I don't like driving in big cities.  There is no place to park.  And you have to pay to use the restroom at the gas station.  I just went to the airport and waited for his flight to get in.  I had company at least for the last leg of the journey.  We are actually on our way to go get drug tested in this picture the next day.  What a wonderful two weeks of fun!  Thank you to everyone who put up with me for that time.  I had fun.  Thanks a million!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

I had some fun during Christmas!

One of the best parts about being around your family and some old friends is since I haven't seen them in a while I can go from one group to the next and everyone is anxious to see me and we make the best of the time together.  

There was a lot of UNO!  I played it with several groups of people on several nights under different circumstances.  It is the classic game.  And house rules always spice things up.  Especially when I deal and folks might not have played some of my rules.  On one eventful night the group I was playing with said that one of the rules for the round was that I couldn't win.  I went out first but didn't win that round.  Go figure.  House rules right?!?

I even got to introduce a new game that I really enjoy.  I think it went over well.  Ticket to Ride.  This is the Europe edition.  And just like the first time I played it.  It looked like I was going to win and it was ripped out from under my nose.  See Kathy, you cursed me.  Nice job Hollie.  I did get to help my nephew Zachary play Settlers of Catan for the first time.  That used to be one of my staple games.  I was pretty good at it.  I played with him and his family.  I love playing games!

For as much fun as games are there are few things that work out built up stress like going shooting.  Since a picture is worth a thousand words this picture needs no further explanation.  Just thanks Kurtis!  

I was a good boy this year, well for most of the year.  I finally was able to get the stock I've been wanting for my shotgun.  It goes on top.  Don't I look so happy to finally get it?!?  Trust me, with this kind of a present this face means elation!  

I went back to my old hometown for Christmas

Here are a few of the highlights of me heading back to UT for Christmas.  
I was going to ride to the airport with a friend at 5:00 am.  I set my alarm for 4:00.  She was supposed to call me at 4:30.  At around 4:45 I got the call from her saying the cab was on the way.  Keep in mind she had never called a cab before and I had shown her how the week before when we went to a movie.  Apparently, as she claims, she had in fact called and I never responded.  I wasn't ready.  About five after five I was ready and called a cab.  I only had enough cash to get to the airport by splitting it.  I had to wait for a cab that took a card.  25 minutes later I was on my way to the airport.  Checking in took about a half hour.  Security took five minutes to disrobe, scan, and get my belongings back on my person.  The flight was boarding when I ran up to get on.  Just like on the movies.  Smooth
 sailing from there.  Quick 71 miles to San Francisco.  I know about the miles.  It was cheapest this way.  Breakfast in the airport.  Then on to SLC.  
My brother and his wife, Mike and Colette respectively, picked me up with excellent timing.  After a nice lunch it was off to start Christmas.  

Chloe Appears!!  Here is the fabulous moment when the nasty doll appears to wish Neil a very merry Christmas with a kiss on the cheek.  She pops up from time to time when you least expect it.  It has been going on for years.  What a great family tradition! 

We decorated some team shirts for some activities that would be used in the next day's activities.  Here is one team vying for the win at three pin.  Mike is very excited about getting someone out or some such thing.  And Jeremy like flash is only a blur as he speeds on for another point.  Colette is guarding the middle while David is in the back working out one of his conditions.  I give them grief because they won two out of three games.

Sarah and Neil also in their wonderful planning of activities got a black light which added new depths of entertainment.  We had a lot of fun with the glowing shirts.  

DOGGIE PILE!!  A little blurry but one of my favorites.  That is family love right there!  Good times had by all!