Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sneaky, Sneaky!

If you notice the time stamp it is day time. Is today my day off? No. It happens to be a beautiful day outside and a beautiful day inside. At my day job I have some downtime. Wow! I mostly wanted to see if I could do this. Sure enough, it worked because you are reading this! I started out today on a good note. My brother joined me in battle for a short bought to route out evil. I started the day here and it has continued to be a great one.

Last night I went to a fellow co-worker's house for a game night. We played Shadows over Camelot, Hearts and another game that I forgot the name of but it was easy and fun. I won the second round. I also won the game of Hearts. I shot the moon once! Roger may have but there was some confusion and miscalculation or dealt cards. Unfortunately we threw that round out because it wasn't determined exactly what would have occured because it was close. I was also introduced into the work of Mystery Science Theater 3000. I laughed my keister off until 1:30 in the morning. We watched the Wolf-man one. It's been a great day! Cheers to all!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Small Hobbies

For a while now, a little over two years, I've journeyed into the world of leather work. I have a small collection of weapons. I have decided to make some armor to join in the collection. This is the first of a string of posts that will be centered around some of the work that has been done.

This first picture is one of David priming for some silver paint that will adorn the ornate handle of this rapier that he made. Later pictures will show the scabbard that will be made for it. David has been making swords for a few years now. We both share a similar interest in arms and armor.

This is a picture of one of my first pieces I ever made. This helmet is a testament to my "learn-as-you-go approach." It is very large. I believe it more a learn how to stitch project more than a helmet but I still aim to see what I can do with it. I learned some concepts and then was sent to work. I have improved as I moved along. Mostly learning from what I did but always eager to learn from other sources my progress improves.

More to come. I only had a couple shots downloaded to my computer but you may see some stuff that you like. I had fun creating it.