Friday, August 1, 2008

Testing is more a part of life than sleep

In the last three days I have taken 4 tests. Monday I have another test. The re-take quiz went fine. I got higher. We took a test today and I did ok on it. Not amazing. I was so tired last night I went to sleep early at midnight. I tried something new. I woke up early. 0430 is awefully early. It was nice to take a minute and text David though. I appreciate David's hard work to get up early and support me in my early morning endeavors whenever the occasion arises.

Wednesday we had another walk through for the room inspection war. We get them nightly but because there were zero demerits and we blew away the competiion (which didn't even exist honestly) we did not have to get them yesterday. Today we don't have them because it is the weekend. Basically Wednesday was the last phase II room inspection! I will only have to have it done on sundays and wednesdays from now on since monday I will "phase up."

I am really excited about this weekend I don't have anything planned. Awesome huh?!? Normally I think it would be good to have a plan but apart from some homework/study I can waste some time! It ought to be great! Cheers!

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