Wednesday, May 13, 2009

One Year

There is a bunch of stuff going on right now.  I am pretty busy getting some stuff together and it should be good for an interesting post or maybe even a few.  But I just thought I would ask this question:
What did you do one year ago today?  


Mike said...

I had just got home from Moab. Going to go to the Renaissance Faire in a couple of days. I had started on my Deck but was in the early stages. I was recovering from a recent auto accident...And sending a fond farewell to my baby brother as he went off to get a new green wardrobe.

Tasha said...

Packing for the move to Texas. And here I am yet again packing *sigh* at least we're staying in the same state this time.

JenWright said...

A year ago yesterday I was celebrating my son's 5th birthday. Where does the time go?

Anonymous said...

haha you are going to laugh, but I was about to Graduate High school.. at this time of the day I was probably sitting in my office in Video trying to get the Video yearbook finished..

Joe and Rachelle said...

I got married to the most amazing person! And lost "weight." Ha, Ha!